Danish language

Are your Danish colleagues making jokes that you don’t understand? Thinking of visiting Copenhagen and tasting smørrebrød? Would you like to read H.C. Andersen and understand Mads Mikkelsen without translation?

Danish, just like Norwegian and Swedish, belongs to the Germanic language group. This is why Danish is similar to English and German. It’s not difficult to learn: Danish words have no suffixes, as they’re not inflected by grammatical cases or persons, but it’s important to take word order into account. Danish pronunciation is special – there are sounds in Danish that don’t exist in other languages. There’s also a big difference between what’s written and what’s pronounced in Danish. Thus, the most important goal when learning Danish is solid pronunciation skills.

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Our services

Services for private, business and special programs. How's it going? What is taught? How much does it cost?
For private learners
For business
Special programmes and services


Language learning is divided into levels and sublevels.
Each sublevel consists of a 40-hour programme.
Classes are held 2 times a week.
The duration of one class is 2 academic hours or 1.5 hours.
The duration of one programme is 2.5 months.


A-level classes aim to lay a solid foundation for grammar and pronunciation, as well as to help learn how to participate in conversations in everyday situations.

B-level classes focus on developing speaking skills. Interactive and relevant teaching material is used in the lessons.


20 academic hours

160€ 172€
A-level programmes B-level programmes


  • Learn a language in a group with your team
  • The lexicon and speaking situations can be adapted to your professional needs
  • Concise and systematic grammar
  • Continuous repetition, schematised learning material, and summarising the obtained knowledge


A-level classes aim to lay a solid foundation for grammar and pronunciation, as well as to help learn how to participate in conversations in everyday situations.

B-level classes focus on developing speaking skills. Interactive and relevant teaching material is used in the lessons.


Contact us and we will provide you with an offer that appeals the most to your company.


Nordic language learning programmes adapted for children, as well as for different professions.
These programmes focus on spoken and professional language, as well as vocabulary and playful and interactive learning methods when teaching children.

We also teach foreigners who want to learn Lithuanian.


  • Individual or two-person courses according to your needs
  • Teaching the Lithuanian language in Scandinavian or English
  • Language courses for children
  • Language courses focused on your professional language (medical and IT professionals, drivers, etc.)


We will develop a language learning programme that will be tailored to your language needs. Let’s get in touch and discuss!

Courses are organised for studying in a group or individually.

We’re constantly gathering new groups of different levels. Group classes are small – they consist of 4-6 people. Individual classes are also organised. If you choose individual learning, we will adapt the schedule to your needs. We will also take your individual needs and pace into account.

Remote learning follows the same process as in the classroom – there is face-to-face communication with the learner and the screen becomes a blackboard.

At the end of each course, the learner’s skills are tested and a certificate in Danish is issued. Starting with the A2 level, speaking and pronunciation skills are also tested.

Sublevel A1.1 focuses on the main grammatical forms and your immediate environment. You will learn to get acquainted with people and introduce yourself, as well as master the most important phrases of etiquette: how to say hello, ask for something, apologise, congratulate, and wish something. What’s important for every beginner – you will know how to ask to repeat or say something slower, express that you didn’t understand or don’t know something, and ask for a translation. You will learn and be able to use words that describe your immediate surroundings, family, and friends. You will also become acquainted with word order, grammatical articles, the main forms of nouns, adjectives, pronouns, verbs, and their use.

In sublevel A1.2 you will continue to systematically deepen your knowledge of grammar and the lexicon. You will be able to not only get acquainted with people but also make conversation by asking simple questions and giving short answers, directions and instructions. You will be able to provide more detailed information about yourself, your hobbies, family, friends, and your place of residence. You will know not only how to ask for road directions, but also give them yourself. You will understand basic information in longer texts consisting of known phrases, among which there are some unknown words.

In the following levels and sublevels, you will deepen your grammatical knowledge, expand the vocabulary and topics on which you will be able to communicate.

Pay just 144 EUR for Level A and 162 EUR for Level B if you:

Fill out the questionnaire
Study in a group of 5 or more people
Pay in advance for a 40-hour academic program

To discuss individual courses and their prices, please contact us!

Courses are organised to study in a group consisting of your company employees or individually, adding your employee to one of our school groups. Contact us to discuss the learning method that works best for you!

Sublevel A1.1 focuses on the main grammatical forms and your immediate environment. You will learn to get acquainted with people and introduce yourself, as well as master the most important phrases of etiquette: how to say hello, ask for something, apologise, congratulate, and wish something. What’s important for every beginner – you will know how to ask to repeat or say something slower, express that you didn’t understand or don’t know something, and ask for a translation. You will learn and be able to use words that describe your immediate surroundings, family, and friends. You will also become acquainted with word order, grammatical articles, the main forms of nouns, adjectives, pronouns, verbs, and their use.

In sublevel A1.2 you will continue to systematically deepen your knowledge of grammar and the lexicon. You will be able to not only get acquainted with people but also make conversation by asking simple questions and giving short answers, directions and instructions. You will be able to provide more detailed information about yourself, your hobbies, family, friends, and your place of residence. You will know not only how to ask for road directions, but also give them yourself. You will understand basic information in longer texts consisting of known phrases, among which there are some unknown words.

In the following levels and sublevels, you will deepen your grammatical knowledge, expand the vocabulary and topics on which you will be able to communicate.

Lithuanian classes are held in their native language (Finnish, Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian) or English. More attention is given to the cultural context and comparison of countries in order to understand the peculiarities of language use better.
Other language programmes are tailored to your specific needs and expectations. Let’s get in touch!


Check our page on Facebook or Instagram for the upcoming group class schedules or leave us a query and we will get back to you.


At the end of each course, your skills are tested and a certificate is issued in the language you have studied. Starting with the A2 level, speaking and pronunciation skills are also tested.

We also organise language level testing remotely or in person.

Learn more


Language level testing in Lithuanian and English:
A and B level – 50 €
B and C level – 75 €
We test and divide language learning into levels on the basis of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

Written and verbal testing takes 105 min.

There is a possibility to test only verbally:
A and B level – 35 €
B and C level – 50 €

For private learners


Language learning is divided into levels and sublevels.
Each sublevel consists of a 40-hour programme.
Classes are held 2 times a week.
The duration of one class is 2 academic hours or 1.5 hours.
The duration of one programme is 2.5 months.

Courses are organised for studying in a group or individually.

We’re constantly gathering new groups of different levels. Group classes are small – they consist of 4-6 people. Individual classes are also organised. If you choose individual learning, we will adapt the schedule to your needs. We will also take your individual needs and pace into account.

Remote learning follows the same process as in the classroom – there is face-to-face communication with the learner and the screen becomes a blackboard.

At the end of each course, the learner’s skills are tested and a certificate in Danish is issued. Starting with the A2 level, speaking and pronunciation skills are also tested.

What's being taught?

A-level classes aim to lay a solid foundation for grammar and pronunciation, as well as to help learn how to participate in conversations in everyday situations.

B-level classes focus on developing speaking skills. Interactive and relevant teaching material is used in the lessons.

Sublevel A1.1 focuses on the main grammatical forms and your immediate environment. You will learn to get acquainted with people and introduce yourself, as well as master the most important phrases of etiquette: how to say hello, ask for something, apologise, congratulate, and wish something. What’s important for every beginner – you will know how to ask to repeat or say something slower, express that you didn’t understand or don’t know something, and ask for a translation. You will learn and be able to use words that describe your immediate surroundings, family, and friends. You will also become acquainted with word order, grammatical articles, the main forms of nouns, adjectives, pronouns, verbs, and their use.

In sublevel A1.2 you will continue to systematically deepen your knowledge of grammar and the lexicon. You will be able to not only get acquainted with people but also make conversation by asking simple questions and giving short answers, directions and instructions. You will be able to provide more detailed information about yourself, your hobbies, family, friends, and your place of residence. You will know not only how to ask for road directions, but also give them yourself. You will understand basic information in longer texts consisting of known phrases, among which there are some unknown words.

In the following levels and sublevels, you will deepen your grammatical knowledge, expand the vocabulary and topics on which you will be able to communicate.

What's the price?

20 academic hours

160€ 172€
A-level programmes B-level programmes

Pay just 144 EUR for Level A and 162 EUR for Level B if you:

Fill out the questionnaire
Study in a group of 5 or more people
Pay in advance for a 40-hour academic program

To discuss individual courses and their prices, please contact us!

When does the training take place?

Check our page on Facebook or Instagram for the upcoming group class schedules or leave us a query and we will get back to you.

For business


  • Learn a language in a group with your team
  • The lexicon and speaking situations can be adapted to your professional needs
  • Concise and systematic grammar
  • Continuous repetition, schematised learning material, and summarising the obtained knowledge

Courses are organised to study in a group consisting of your company employees or individually, adding your employee to one of our school groups. Contact us to discuss the learning method that works best for you!

What's being taught?

A-level classes aim to lay a solid foundation for grammar and pronunciation, as well as to help learn how to participate in conversations in everyday situations.

B-level classes focus on developing speaking skills. Interactive and relevant teaching material is used in the lessons.

Sublevel A1.1 focuses on the main grammatical forms and your immediate environment. You will learn to get acquainted with people and introduce yourself, as well as master the most important phrases of etiquette: how to say hello, ask for something, apologise, congratulate, and wish something. What’s important for every beginner – you will know how to ask to repeat or say something slower, express that you didn’t understand or don’t know something, and ask for a translation. You will learn and be able to use words that describe your immediate surroundings, family, and friends. You will also become acquainted with word order, grammatical articles, the main forms of nouns, adjectives, pronouns, verbs, and their use.

In sublevel A1.2 you will continue to systematically deepen your knowledge of grammar and the lexicon. You will be able to not only get acquainted with people but also make conversation by asking simple questions and giving short answers, directions and instructions. You will be able to provide more detailed information about yourself, your hobbies, family, friends, and your place of residence. You will know not only how to ask for road directions, but also give them yourself. You will understand basic information in longer texts consisting of known phrases, among which there are some unknown words.

In the following levels and sublevels, you will deepen your grammatical knowledge, expand the vocabulary and topics on which you will be able to communicate.

What's the price?

Contact us and we will provide you with an offer that appeals the most to your company.

How is testing?

At the end of each course, your skills are tested and a certificate is issued in the language you have studied. Starting with the A2 level, speaking and pronunciation skills are also tested.

We also organise language level testing remotely or in person.

Special programmes and services


Nordic language learning programmes adapted for children, as well as for different professions.
These programmes focus on spoken and professional language, as well as vocabulary and playful and interactive learning methods when teaching children.

We also teach foreigners who want to learn Lithuanian.

Lithuanian classes are held in their native language (Finnish, Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian) or English. More attention is given to the cultural context and comparison of countries in order to understand the peculiarities of language use better.
Other language programmes are tailored to your specific needs and expectations. Let’s get in touch!

What's being taught?

  • Individual or two-person courses according to your needs
  • Teaching the Lithuanian language in Scandinavian or English
  • Language courses for children
  • Language courses focused on your professional language (medical and IT professionals, drivers, etc.)

What's the price?

We will develop a language learning programme that will be tailored to your language needs. Let’s get in touch and discuss!

How is testing?

Language level testing in Lithuanian and English:
A and B level – 50 €
B and C level – 75 €
We test and divide language learning into levels on the basis of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

Written and verbal testing takes 105 min.

There is a possibility to test only verbally:
A and B level – 35 €
B and C level – 50 €


I had the pleasure of being taught Danish in English!
We could not find any other school to teach in non-Lithuanian. Obviously not an easy task but our teacher rose to the challenge and nailed it!
Very flexible times, great materials including current news, issues and culture.
Highly recommended!



Puikūs kursai. Lankstus grafikas, itin gerai bei aiškiai dėstomos pamokos!



Dėkoju už kokybiškus norvegų kalbos kursus! Pamokos buvo įdomios ir interaktyvios, o dėstytojos bendravimas profesionalus, malonus ir lankstus. Rekomenduoju.
Tusen takk!



Puikus kainos / kokybės santykis. Malonus, familiarus lektorių bendravimas, netrukdantis profesionalumui.



Derinamas tvarkaraštis, gera nuotaika, o svarbiausia lengvas ir labai metodiškas mokymas ir į visus klausimus atsakantys dėstytojai. Nuoširdžiai rekomenduoju. Jei norite išmokti dar vieną kalbą, drąsiai pirmyn



Vienareikšmiškai rekomenduoju šią kalbos mokyklą! Mokykla turi tik geriausius savo srities specialistus-lektorius ! : )



Esu labai dėkinga už šiltus susitikimus pamokėlėse ir Jūsų pastangas perteikiant žinias. Draugiška ir jauki aplinka, kurią Jūs sukūrėte, suteikė daugiau pasitikėjimo savimi ir noro mokytis.



Labai esu patenkinta pasirinkus šią kalbų mokyklą. Tai buvo produktyvūs, lankstūs kursai, orientuoti į besimokančiojo poreikius. Mokiausi kalbos nuotoliniu būdu. Tai nuostabus būdas mokintis kalbą, išykusiems gyventi kitur.


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